Mt. 28:19. What a statement to give me/us purpose. Why am I going to China? This is one of many reasons. As I was looking for a name for this blog, on which you hopefully will be able to get updates from me while I am in China, a friend mentioned this name because of what it is in reference to. It was obviously an idea I liked enough to use, since I wasn't coming up with anything else. But after thinking about it - it is really one of the, if not the, main reason I am going to China.
I know many of you have either talked to me or read that first newsletter, and so you know part of my story. I have wanted to go to Asia and teach for a while, but things like student loans, any kind of financial stability, and myself stood in my way. I have looked at different countries and organizations, but never really taken any kind of step towards really 'doing this'. When I found the group I am going with, I immediately filled out the registration form and got called that night! (She said it usually wasn't that fast, but it had just happened that way) Since then, it really has been a nonstop, exciting journey to now... 2 months from leaving - I am really DOING THIS! I have not really had my freak out moment yet, but I can assure you it will probably happen soon. I'm not really nervous about it, I know it will be ok - He is in control. Ask me if I am still not nervous about it when I board that plane....
Life is about to change A LOT. I found out where I am going to be living and teaching and adventuring and experiencing life in for the next year. It is a city in Northeast China called Taiyuan (tie-you-in), it is in the province of Shanxi (which is next to the province Shaanxi - don't get them confused...). I will be about 2.5 hours from Beijing by fast train, and about 3 hrs north of the most polluted city in the world, Taiyuan is also pretty polluted (4th or so in China) itself. I will teaching elementary at a private K-12 boarding school there, it is one of the top schools. I have read that they have an extremely high college acceptance rate (it is at about 20% in other places - theirs is at nearly 100%). I don't know all the details yet - like what grade I will be teaching, or exactly where I will be living (though I am pretty sure it will be on campus). I do know who I will be going with though.
My team is a group of 5 girls, and 2 team leaders with their 2 small children. 3 of the 5 girls and team leaders and kids are all from TN!! I'm really excited to get to know these people as they become my family for the next year. So no fear, I will be with other people - I know I have been asked several times how I will be by myself there, but I will not be alone (and I wouldn't be alone even if I didn't have my team).
I'm so excited about this new adventure in my life. I am thankful for the opportunity He has given me. I would like to ask you to continue thinking about me. Here are a few thought requests - that I would continue to get the stuff done that I have to get done before I leave, that my support raising won't slack off (I am a little over half way there!), that when my freak out moment does come that I would be ok and will rest in Him (not myself), and my students - they are becoming real to me now, keep them in your thoughts as well. And my really crazy busy summer that is getting ready to happen...
Here is a brief overview - so if you want to see me, have a party for me :), or whatever - you can know when I am going to be in town or busy or free.
June 3-7 - kids camp
June 16-18 - Chattanooga (kids camp)
June 21-22 - camping trip
July 4-8/9 - Nashville/ Dollywood
July 10-14 - Reunion
July 17 - my birthday
July 26 - LEAVING THE TRI-CITIES (I will be going to Nashville, and won't be back til 2014)
July 30 - Boarding plane to LAX
July 31- (super early in the morning) - Boarding plane to China!
Those of you on my mailing list should be receiving my 2nd newsletter in the next few weeks - those of you that would like to receive it and are not on my mailing list - please facebook message me or email me or text me and I will add you to that.. also, if you would like to be on an email list (should I be able to get that started) please send me your emails as well. I will be trying to update this as much as possible. (I will also figure out how to use it an post pictures and such)
If you would like to give (right now!) you can by clicking on this link:
61 days!!!