Friday, April 18, 2014

Shining into the dark

May your love cause us to open up,

cause us to open up our hearts.

May your light cause us to shine so bright,

that we bring hope into the dark.

You heard the cry of our hearts.

And you came down.

Freely you gave us your love, showing us how.

Make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred let me sow love.

Where there is darkness let me shine light.

May your love cause us to open up,

cause us to open up our hearts.

May your light cause us to shine so bright,

that we bring hope into the dark.

Hope for the hopeless, your love is.

Strength in our weakness, your love is.

May we love, as you love.

Hope for the hopeless, your love is.

Strength in our weakness, your love is.

May we love, as you love.

May we love, as you love.

May we love, as you love.

–“Open up,” The Brilliance

This song is one we sang at ATC. I absolutely love it, and I was thinking about writing this blog it came to mind. I have experienced love in so many ways this year. I want to tell you about one of the ways that I have been able to experience love this semester --
Ever since hearing about the orphanage here in Taiyuan (before I even came) I have wanted to work there. When I found out that a group of foreigners from our fellowship goes every week, I was even more excited. One problem… they go on Fridays. I teach on Fridays – one class... But, the opportunity didn’t really become a possibility until the Spring semester, I asked my co teacher about moving my class on Fridays and she was ok with it – but her leaders said no (such a disappointment). Which meant that I couldn’t go every week. But it did mean I could go whenever we had a break (which we have several) on a Friday. So I went. And I love it.  I am so glad that I am able to go the few times that I have and will be able to.
The kids that I get to play with all have some sort of disability. It’s so sad to see them and to think about how they may never have a family that loves them. It breaks my heart. I wish that I could just bring them home with me. Sweet little Kai, he has Down’s syndrome, and he is the happiest and sweetest baby there is. He is such a little cuddler and so active – he wants to crawl so bad. I try to help him, he just can’t quite keep his legs up under himself. Or Rei Jia and the other little girl, whose name we couldn’t figure out, that don’t have much strength in their arms and legs but who are some of the most beautiful children. Or any of the many others that the volunteers work with who just want to be held and loved and to have a home. The first week I went I fought tears all morning just thinking about how these children’s lives were. I am so glad and so blessed that I get to go and play and love on these precious children whenever my few chances come around. But I am also so glad that there are people foreign and Chinese alike who go and volunteer to play and love and care for these precious children.
I don’t have pictures that I can share, but I can leave you with some pictures from our recent adventure to Pingyao. Chesney’s friend has been visiting this past week so we have been showing him around – so he is the guy you see and don't recognize.

The wall around Pingyao - we walked around a good part of the city on it, such a beautiful view.

Me, on the wall.

In the armed forces training center, Chesney looks like she might be in trouble.
This was Yingze Park (an amusement park here in Taiyuan) on team day, we were just walking and some lady just comes up and throws her baby into my arms.